Monday, April 11, 2011

Audit Group Policy Objects

I needed to review a group of Group Policy Objects and determine if an Active Directory group is listed in the permissions for the GPO. If it was not, I needed to be aware of it. In the code sample, I take advantage of the Group Policy module to loop through all the GPOs in a domain that have "Workstation" in the display name, identify the ones that do not include the "ASIA\DesktopTeam" in the permission list and output them to a comma separated values text file.
Set-Variable -name accountDomain -option Constant -value "ASIA"
Set-Variable -name accountsAMAccountName -option Constant -value "DesktopTeam"
Set-Variable -name workingDomain -option Constant -value ""
Set-Variable -name matchFilter -option Constant -value "Workstation"
Set-Variable -name outputFile -option Constant -value  ($workingDomain + "-" + $matchFilter + ".csv")
if((Get-Host).Version.Major -ne 2) {
 Write-Host "You must have PowerShell V2 installed to use this script. Exiting!" -foregroundColor Red
if(!(Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "GroupPolicy" }).Name) {
 Write-host "Unable to locate the GroupPolicy module. Exiting!" -foregroundColor Red
Import-Module -Name GroupPolicy

$badGpos = @()
$gpoList = Get-GPO -All -Domain $workingDomain | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match $matchFilter }
foreach($gpo in $gpoList) {
 $gpoPermissions = Get-GPPermissions -guid $gpo.Id -Domain $workingDomain -All
 $found = $false
 foreach($gpoPermission in $gpoPermissions) {
  if($gpoPermission.Trustee.Domain -eq $domain -and $gpoPermission.Trustee.Name -eq $sAMAccountName) {
   $found = $true
 if($found -eq $false) {
  $badGpos += $gpo

$badGpos | Export-Csv -path $outputFile -noTypeInformation

Remove-Module -Name GroupPolicy

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