Friday, June 24, 2011

Quick One-Time Scheduled Task

While you can set one-time Schedule Tasks, it is cumbersome whether you do it via the GUI interface or through a PowerShell script. Unless you might use it again at a future date, you will need to clean it up later. A quick way to obtain the same result is to use Start-Sleep. Simply open a PowerShell session under the security context you want to execute the commandlet or script and use the syntax below. The semicolon separates commandlets allowing for this technique. The date math performed in the command returns a time span in total seconds that Start-Sleep uses. The example waits till 10:55 PM of the same day then restarts a TSM backup client service using Restart-Service. This is a great method if you need to kick-off a commandlet on the weekend before you leave the office Friday night. Just adjust the date and time of the first Get-Date commandlet.
Start-Sleep -Seconds ((Get-Date "10:55 PM") - (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds;Restart-Service -DisplayName "TSM Client Scheduler"

Friday, June 17, 2011

PowerShell Tail Improvements

Here are the latest improvements I have made to my tail functions for PowerShell. I typically work in a heterogenous computing environment so I need to be able to handle the various text file encodings and new line delimiters I encounter. The previous blogs posts (here, here & here) showed a steady improvement and functionality with the major feature I needed to complete being the detecting and reading of text files that were not were ASCII encoded with Windows end-of-line (CR+LF). This stops hard coding specific changes in my code to deal with each situation I encounter.

I have added two functions to the code to handle these two items. Looking at the head of the file, I attempt to detect the byte order mark (BOM) to determine if the file is unicode encoded and its endianess. If I am unable to make that determination, revert to ASCII as the encoding. I work with the System.Text.Encoding class to assist in the decode of the unicode based text files. The second function detects the new line delimiter by searching the head for the match of Windows (CR+LF), UNIX (LF) or Classic Macintosh (CR) to assist in the breaking of the lines for initial tail read.

In the code sample below, you will find these two new functions with the log file "tailed" being a system.log from a hypothetical Mac OS X server sharing out its "var" directory via SAMBA so we can access the system.log file in the log subdirectory. This file is typically ASCII encoded with UNIX new lines.

If you are running Microsoft Forefront Client Security and want to monitor the updates, virus detections and removals, you need to access the "MPLog-*.log" file which is Unicode-16 Little-Endian encoded. Swap out the inputFile variable to watch this file for updates. You can find that file here:
$env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\Client\Antimalware\Support
These are good examples to demonstrate the capability of the added functions add flexibility to my prior attempts.
Function Get-FileEncoding($fileStream) {
 $fileEncoding = $null
 if($fileStream.CanSeek) {
  [byte[]] $bytesToRead = New-Object byte[] 4
  $fileStream.Read($bytesToRead, 0, 4) | Out-Null
  if($bytesToRead[0] -eq 0x2B -and  $bytesToRead[1] -eq 0x2F -and  $bytesToRead[2] -eq 0x76) { # UTF-7
   $encoding = "utf7"
  } elseif($bytesToRead[0] -eq 0xFF -and $bytesToRead[1] -eq 0xFE) { # UTF-16 Little-Endian
   $encoding = "unicode-le"
  } elseif($bytesToRead[0] -eq 0xFE -and $bytesToRead[1] -eq 0xFF) { # UTF-16 Big-Endian
   $encoding = "unicode-be"
  } elseif($bytesToRead[0] -eq 0 -and $bytesToRead[1] -eq 0 -and $bytesToRead[2] -eq 0xFE -and $bytesToRead[3] -eq 0xFF) { # UTF-32 Big Endian
   $encoding = "utf32-be"
  } elseif($bytesToRead[0] -eq 0xFF -and $bytesToRead[1] -eq 0xFE -and $bytesToRead[2] -eq 0 -and $bytesToRead[3] -eq 0) { # UTF-32 Little Endian
   $encoding = "utf32-le"
  } elseif($bytesToRead[0] -eq 0xDD -and $bytesToRead[1] -eq 0x73 -and $bytesToRead[2] -eq 0x66 -and $bytesToRead[3] -eq 0x73) { # UTF-EBCDIC
   $encoding = "unicode"
  } elseif($bytesToRead[0] -eq 0xEF -and $bytesToRead[1] -eq 0xBB -and $bytesToRead[2] -eq 0xBF) { # UTF-8 with BOM
   $encoding = "utf8"
  } else { # ASCII Catch-All
   $encoding = "ascii"
  switch($encoding) {
   "unicode-be" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UnicodeEncoding($true, $true) }
   "unicode-le" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UnicodeEncoding($false, $true) }
   "utf32-be" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF32Encoding($true, $true) }
   "utf32-le" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF32Encoding($false, $true) }
   "unicode" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UnicodeEncoding($true, $true) }
   "utf7" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF7Encoding } 
   "utf8" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding } 
   "utf32" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF32Encoding } 
   "ascii" { $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding }
 return $fileEncoding 
Function Get-NewLine($fileStream, $fileEncoding) {
 $newLine = $null
 $byteChunk = 512
 if($fileStream.CanSeek) {
  $fileSize = $fileStream.Length
  if($fileSize -lt $byteChunk) { $byteChunk -eq $fileSize }
  [byte[]] $bytesToRead = New-Object byte[] $byteChunk
  $fileStream.Read($bytesToRead, 0, $byteChunk) | Out-Null
  $testLines = $fileEncoding.GetString($bytesToRead)
  if($testLines -match "\r\n") { # Windows
   $newLine = "\r\n"
  } elseif($testLines -match "\n") { # Unix
   $newLine = "\n"
  } elseif($testLines -match "\r") { # Classic Mac
   $newLine = "\r"
  } else { # When all else fails, Go Windows
   $newLine = "\r\n"
 return $newLine
Function Read-EndOfFileByByteChunk($fileName,$totalNumberOfLines,$byteChunk) {
 if($totalNumberOfLines -lt 1) { $totalNumberOfLines = 1 }
 if($byteChunk -le 0) { $byteChunk = 10240 }
 $linesOfText = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
 if([System.IO.File]::Exists($fileName)) {
  $fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($fileName,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Read,[System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite)
  $fileEncoding = Get-FileEncoding $fileStream
  $newLine = Get-NewLine $fileStream $fileEncoding
  $fileSize = $fileStream.Length
  $byteOffset = $byteChunk
  [byte[]] $bytesRead = New-Object byte[] $byteChunk
  $totalBytesProcessed = 0
  $lastReadAttempt = $false
  do {
   if($byteOffset -ge $fileSize) {
    $byteChunk = $fileSize - $totalBytesProcessed
    [byte[]] $bytesRead = New-Object byte[] $byteChunk
    $byteOffset = $fileSize
    $lastReadAttempt = $true
   $fileStream.Seek((-$byteOffset), [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::End) | Out-Null
   $fileStream.Read($bytesRead, 0, $byteChunk) | Out-Null
   $chunkOfText = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
   $firstLineLength = ($chunkOfText[0].Length)
   $byteOffset = ($byteOffset + $byteChunk) - ($firstLineLength)
   if($lastReadAttempt -eq $false -and $chunkOfText.count -lt $totalNumberOfLines) {
   $totalBytesProcessed += ($byteChunk - $firstLineLength)
   $linesOfText.InsertRange(0, $chunkOfText)
  } while($totalNumberOfLines -ge $linesOfText.count -and $lastReadAttempt -eq $false -and $totalBytesProcessed -lt $fileSize)
  if($linesOfText.count -gt 1) {
  $deltaLines = ($linesOfText.count - $totalNumberOfLines)
  if($deltaLines -gt 0) {
   $linesOfText.RemoveRange(0, $deltaLines)
 } else {
  $linesOfText.Add("[ERROR] $fileName not found") | Out-Null
 Write-Host $linesOfText.count
 return $linesOfText
Function Read-FileUpdates($fileName,$startSize) {
 if([System.IO.File]::Exists($fileName)) {
  $fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($fileName,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Read,[System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite)
  $fileEncoding = Get-FileEncoding $fileStream
  while([System.IO.File]::Exists($fileName)) {
   $fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($fileName,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Read,[System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite)
   if($fileStream.CanSeek) {
    $currentFileSize = $fileStream.Length
    if($currentFileSize -gt $startSize) {
     $byteChunk = $currentFileSize - $startSize
     [byte[]] $bytesRead = New-Object byte[] $byteChunk
     $fileStream.Seek((-$byteChunk), [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::End) | Out-Null
     $fileStream.Read($bytesRead, 0, $byteChunk) | Out-Null
     Write-Host ($fileEncoding.GetString($bytesRead)) -noNewLine
     $startSize = $currentFileSize
   Start-Sleep -milliseconds 250
Set-Variable -name inputFile -option Constant -value "\\macosx-server.mydomain.local\var\log\system.log"
if([System.IO.File]::Exists($inputFile)) {
 Write-Host (Read-EndOfFileByByteChunk $inputFile 10 1280 | Out-String) -noNewLine
 $fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($inputFile,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Read,[System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite)
 $fileSize = $fileStream.Length
 Read-FileUpdates $inputFile $fileSize
} else {
 Write-Host "Could not find $inputFile..." -foregroundColor Red

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Validate IPv4 Addresses in PowerShell

Here is a simple function to validate if a IPv4 address meets the RFC. It does not confirm if the host associated to the IP Address is accessible. To do that with PowerShell, you need to utilize the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class. The validation is performed by a fairly complex Regular Expression using '-match'.
Function Test-IPv4Address($ipAddress) {
 if($testAddress -match "\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b") {
  $addressValid = $true
 } else {
  $addressValid = $false
 return $addressValid
Set-Variable -name testAddresses -option Constant -value @("","546.23.10.12","","127.0.999.26")
foreach($testAddress in $testAddresses) {
 if((Test-IPv4Address $testAddress)) {
  Write-Host "$testAddress is a validly formatted IPv4 Address" -foregroundColor Green
 } else {
  Write-Host "$testAddress is not a validly formatted IPv4 Address" -foregroundColor Red

Monday, June 13, 2011

Nagios Check for Scheduled TSM Backups

Good backups are the best friends you have as a System Administrator. If you don't know if your backups are successful, your business is at risk. Being unable to recover data after a catastrophic failure on a business critical system is typically an RGE and can put a company out of business. IBM's Tivoli Storage Manager system provides a robust backup and recovery and has decent reporting. I prefer to consolidate system health monitoring in one system, Nagios, so I do not need a separate monitoring console for every product in production. Monitoring backups successfully over hundreds or thousands of systems from a generated report is laborious. Nagios provides checks and balances for resolving system issues. In one view, you know your risk level. If you don't resolve a problem, it remains CRITICAL. Having a check for TSM backups simplifies the process and greatly reduces the labor required to monitor backups.

Scheduled TSM backups write to a log defined in the schedule's .opt file; typically dsmsched.log. On large file servers with long dsmsched.log retention periods, this file can grow easily over 1 gigabyte. Reading the entire dsmsched.log file to determine success of the last backup will likely breach the timeout of the Nagios check. To compensate for this, we need to tail the log file and retrieve the summary data from the last backup. In the check below, I do just that. If you pass the name of the schedule log file (you can run multiple schedules on a client; each with a different log file name), the check will look for it install directory in the "Program Files" stored in the environmental variable. If no log file name is provided to the check, it will search the registry to look for the default log filename. If you are running custom install locations, this will need to me modified.

As you follow through the flow of the code, you will see what triggers are passed on to Nagios. They are fairly straightforward:
  • If a backup has not completed in 24 hours, a critical alarm is generated
  • If a certain number of failed file backups are reported, a warning alarm is generated
  • If a backup is still running, a warning alarm is generated
  • If a successful backup is detected, a normal return is generated
These are all customizable via the initial variables in the code. One special feature of this code (and is optional) is the ability to restart the TSM Client Scheduler if no communication between the client and server have occurred in the last 36 hours. Not a common problem but one that I have encountered enough times to make this a feature; saving time spent manually restarting the process. Restarting the TSM Client Scheduler service will re-initiate the communication.

And remember, just because you have log files saying you have "good backups" that doesn't mean it's true. You need to test restores on a regular basis as a part of your disaster recovery practice. Ultimately, backups are only as good as their ability to be restored.

UPDATE: I have made some improvements to this code here.
Function Get-TSMInfo($server, $tsmInfo) {
 $key = "SOFTWARE"
 $hKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine
 $baseKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($hKey, $server)
 foreach($rootKeyValue in ($baseKey.OpenSubKey($key)).GetSubKeyNames()) {
  if($rootKeyValue -eq "IBM" -and ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion")).SubKeyCount -gt 2) {
   $tsmVersion = ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion\BackupClient")).GetValue("PtfLevel")
   $tsmPath = ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion\BackupClient")).GetValue("Path")
   $key = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services"
   if($tsmVersion -ne "" -and $tsmPath -ne "") {
    foreach($keyValue in ($baseKey.OpenSubKey($key)).GetSubKeyNames()) {
     foreach($subKeyValue in ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\$keyValue")).GetSubKeyNames()) {
      $clientNodeName = ""
      $errorLog = ""
      $optionsFile = ""
      $scheduleLog = ""
      if(($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\$keyValue").GetValue("Start")) -eq "2") {
       if($subKeyValue -eq "Parameters") {
        foreach($value in ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\$keyValue\Parameters")).GetValueNames()) {
         if($value -eq "clientNodeName") {
          $clientNodeName = ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\$keyValue\Parameters")).GetValue($value)
         } elseif($value -eq "errorLog") {
          $errorLog = ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\$keyValue\Parameters")).GetValue($value)
         } elseif($value -eq "optionsFile") {
          $optionsFile = ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\$keyValue\Parameters")).GetValue($value)
         } elseif($value -eq "scheduleLog") {
          $scheduleLog = ($baseKey.OpenSubKey("$key\$keyValue\Parameters")).GetValue($value)
      if($clientNodeName -ne "" -and $errorLog -ne "" -and $optionsFile -ne "" -and $scheduleLog -ne "") {
       $optionsFileUncPath = ("\\$server\" + ($optionsFile.SubString(0,1) + "$" + $optionsFile.SubString(2)))
       $tsmServer = "FAILED"
       $tsmClientPort = "FAILED"
       if(Test-Path -path $optionsFileUncPath) {
        foreach($line in (Get-Content -path $optionsFileUncPath)){
         if($line -match "TCPSERVERADDRESS") {
          $tsmServer = ($line -replace "TCPSERVERADDRESS","").Trim()
         if($line -match "TCPCLIENTPORT") {
          $tsmClientPort = ($line -replace "TCPCLIENTPORT","").Trim()
       $serviceStatus = $null
       foreach($service in Get-Service) {
        if($service.DisplayName -eq $keyValue) {
         $serviceStatus = $service.Status
       if($serviceStatus -eq "Running" -or $serviceStatus -eq "Stopped") {
        $clientNodeInformation = New-Object -typeName PSObject
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "server" -value $server
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "tsmVersion" -value $tsmVersion
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "installPath" -value $tsmPath
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "tsmServer" -value $tsmServer
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "tsmClientPort" -value $tsmClientPort
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "scheduleName" -value $keyValue
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "clientNodeName" -value $clientNodeName
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "optionsFile" -value $optionsFile
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "scheduleLog" -value $scheduleLog
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "errorLog" -value $errorLog
        Add-Member -inputObject $clientNodeInformation -type NoteProperty -name "status" -value $serviceStatus
        $tsmInfo += $clientNodeInformation
 return $tsmInfo
Function Read-EndOfFileByByteChunk($fileName,$totalNumberOfLines,$byteChunk) {
 if($totalNumberOfLines -lt 1) { $totalNumberOfLines = 1 }
 if($byteChunk -le 0) { $byteChunk = 10240 }
 $linesOfText = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
 if([System.IO.File]::Exists($fileName)) {
  $fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($fileName,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Read,[System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite)
  $asciiEncoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
  $fileSize = $fileStream.Length
  $byteOffset = $byteChunk
  [byte[]] $bytesRead = New-Object byte[] $byteChunk
  $totalBytesProcessed = 0
  $lastReadAttempt = $false
  do {
   if($byteOffset -ge $fileSize) {
    $byteChunk = $fileSize - $totalBytesProcessed
    [byte[]] $bytesRead = New-Object byte[] $byteChunk
    $byteOffset = $fileSize
    $lastReadAttempt = $true
   $fileStream.Seek((-$byteOffset), [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::End) | Out-Null
   $fileStream.Read($bytesRead, 0, $byteChunk) | Out-Null
   $chunkOfText = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
   $firstLineLength = ($chunkOfText[0].Length)
   $byteOffset = ($byteOffset + $byteChunk) - ($firstLineLength)
   if($lastReadAttempt -eq $false -and $chunkOfText.count -lt $totalNumberOfLines) {
   $totalBytesProcessed += ($byteChunk - $firstLineLength)
   $linesOfText.InsertRange(0, $chunkOfText)
  } while($totalNumberOfLines -ge $linesOfText.count -and $lastReadAttempt -eq $false -and $totalBytesProcessed -lt $fileSize)
  if($linesOfText.count -gt 1) {
  $deltaLines = ($linesOfText.count - $totalNumberOfLines)
  if($deltaLines -gt 0) {
   $linesOfText.RemoveRange(0, $deltaLines)
 } else {
  $linesOfText.Add("[ERROR] $fileName not found") | Out-Null
 return $linesOfText
Set-Variable -name returnNormal -option Constant -value 0
Set-Variable -name returnWarning -option Constant -value 1
Set-Variable -name returnError -option Constant -value 2
Set-Variable -name returnUnknown -option Constant -value 3
Set-Variable -name computerFqdn -option Constant -value (([System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties()).HostName + "." + ([System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties()).DomainName)
Set-Variable -name backupWindow -option Constant -value 24 # in Hours
Set-Variable -name deafService -option Constant -value 36 # in Hours
Set-Variable -name enableRestarts -option Constant -value $true # Allow check to restart TSM if the service
Set-Variable -name lookBack -option Constant -value 250 # Number of lines to tail
Set-Variable -name maximumFailures -option Constant -value 5 # Your tolerance for failed files
Set-Variable -name successfulBackup -value $false
Set-Variable -name todaysBackupFound -value $false
Set-Variable -name backupStillRunning -value $false
Set-Variable -name completionTime -value $null
Set-Variable -name totalFailed -value 0
Set-Variable -name logEntries -value @()
Set-Variable -name exitMessage -value "Massive Script Failure"
Set-Variable -name exitValue -value $returnError
if($tsmFile -eq "$" -or (!$tsmFile)) {
 $tsmInfo = @(Get-TSMInfo $computerFqdn @())
 foreach($tsmInstance in $tsmInfo) {
  if($tsmInstance.scheduleLog -match $tsmFile) {
   if($tsmInstance.scheduleLog -match "\\dsmsched.log") {
    $tsmLogFile = $tsmInstance.scheduleLog
    Write-Host $tsmLogFile
} else {
 $tsmLogFile = ($env:programfiles + "\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\$tsmFile")

if(Test-Path -path $tsmLogFile) {
 $logEntries = Read-EndOfFileByByteChunk $tsmLogFile $lookBack 1280
 foreach($logEntry in $logEntries) {
  if($logEntry.Length -ge 19) {
   $dateTest = $logEntry.SubString(0,19) -as [DateTime]
   if($dateTest) {
    if(((Get-Date) - (Get-Date $logEntry.SubString(0,19))).TotalHours -le $backupWindow) {
     if($logEntry -match "Scheduled event '(.*?)' completed successfully.") {
      $successfulBackup = $true
      $completionTime = Get-Date $logEntry.SubString(0,19)
     if($logEntry -match "Total number of objects failed:") {
      [int]$totalFailed = ($logEntry -Replace "(.*)Total number of objects failed:", "").Trim()
     $todaysBackupFound = $true
    $lastLine = $logEntry
 if($successfulBackup -eq $false -and $todaysBackupFound -eq $true) {
  $lastLogTime = ((Get-Date) - (Get-Date $lastLine.SubString(0,19))).TotalMinutes
  if($lastLogTime -le 15) {
   $backupStillRunning = $true
 if($todaysBackupFound -eq $false) {
  if(((Get-Date) - (Get-Date $lastLine.SubString(0,19))).TotalHours -ge $deafService -and $enableRestarts -eq $true) {
   $tsmInfo = @(Get-TSMInfo $computerFqdn @())
   $schedulerFound = $false
   foreach($tsmInstance in $tsmInfo) {
    if($tsmInstance.scheduleLog -match $tsmFile) {
     if($tsmInstance.status -eq "Running") {
      Restart-Service -name $tsmInstance.scheduleName
      $exitMessage = ("TSM Scheduler `"" + $tsmInstance.scheduleName + "`" has not contacted the TSM server in $deafService hours. Restarting service.")
     } else {
      Start-Service -name $tsmInstance.scheduleName
      $exitMessage = ("TSM Scheduler `"" + $tsmInstance.scheduleName + "`" was stopped and hasn't contacted the TSM server in $deafService hours. Starting service.")
     $schedulerFound = $true
     $exitValue = $returnError
   if($schedulerFound -eq $false) {
    $timeSinceLastContact = ((Get-Date) - (Get-Date $lastLine.SubString(0,19))).TotalHours
    $exitMessage = ("Unable to find data in the last $backupWindow hours in $tsmLogFile and the client hasn't contacted the TSM Server in $timeSinceLastContact hours. Last Backup log date: " + (Get-Date $lastLine.SubString(0,19)))
    $exitValue = $returnError
  } else {
   $exitMessage = ("Unable to find data in the last $backupWindow hours in $tsmLogFile. Last Backup log date: " + (Get-Date $lastLine.SubString(0,19)))
   $exitValue = $returnError
 } elseif($totalFailed -ge $maximumFailures) {
  $exitMessage = "Backup completed with $totalFailed failed objects."
  $exitValue = $returnWarning
 } elseif($successfulBackup -eq $true) {
  $exitMessage = "Backup completed successfully: $completionTime"
  $exitValue = $returnNormal
 } elseif($backupStillRunning -eq $true) {
  $exitMessage = ("Backup still running! Please allow to complete. Current status: " + $lastLine -Replace "\\","/")
  $exitValue = $returnWarning
 } else {
  $exitMessage = ("Unable to find a successful backup. Last status: " + $lastLine -Replace "\\","/")
  $exitValue = $returnError
} else {
 $exitMessage = "Unable to locate $tsmLogFile"
 $exitValue = $returnError

Write-Host $exitMessage