Thursday, March 10, 2011

Write Excel Spreadsheets Fast in PowerShell

If you try to populate an Excel spreadsheet cell by cell using PowerShell expect it to take a long time. As I showed in a previous post, "Speed Up Reading Excel Files in PowerShell", when dealing with Excel work with comma separated value text files. The population of the cells appears to be the huge bottleneck in Excel permformace but if you let Excel load a comma separated values file, you can quickly format and manipulate the prepopulated cells.

One example from my own work involves a spreadsheet with ~3,500 rows. If I populate the rows directly through Excel it can take upwards of five minutes to complete the process. If I dump the data to a comma separated values text file then import it into Excel, it takes about 2 seconds -- a huge time savings. When you are running ad hoc reports, it pays off. If you want an excuse to head down to Starbucks from your office, it doesn't.

To demonstrate this technique, I will take a previous post, "BlackBerry User Report", and change the report from a comma separated values text file to Excel spreadsheet. First to make the final result look nice, the NoteProperty names are cleaned up so they make attractive headers in the spreadsheet. Swap out the following lines to achieve this.
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Domain" -value $domain
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "User ID" -value $sAMAccountName
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "First Name" -value $firstName
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Last Name" -value $firstName
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Display Name" -value $displayName
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "E-Mail Address" -value $proxyAddress
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "PIN" -value $pin
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Cell Phone Number" -value $phoneNumber
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Desk Phone Number" -value $telephoneNumber
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Street Address" -value $streetAddress
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "City" -value $city
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "State" -value $state
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Zip Code" -value $zipCode
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Country" -value $country
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "BlackBerry Model" -value $modelName
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Carrier" -value $homeNetwork
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "IMEI" -value $imei
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Password Enabled" -value $passwordEnabled
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "Exchange Server" -value $exchangeServer
   Add-Member -inputObject $blackberryUser -type NoteProperty -name "BlackBerry Server" -value $blackberryServer
Now that you have nice and pretty column headers in your NoteProperty, its time to write out that Excel spreadsheet. This code assumes that you have at least Excel 2007 installed on your scripting workstation/server. First the code writes out to the temp directory using a GUID (just to be fancy) for the comma separated values file's name. We create an Excel object and load that temporary file. At that point, we can save out a fairly boring Excel spreadsheet. That won't impress anyone. If you want to look "pro" when you distribute reports, having a good layout is key. You want to save out a nicely formatted spreadsheet. So you autofit all the columns to longest cell in each, populate the worksheet's name, update some of the metadata in the spreadsheet and then apply a table style. Table styles are a quick way to add color to your spreadsheet with minimal effort by creating a list object. I have found that if you want to apply your own custom style (a future blog post) there is no speed penalty as long as the data is prepopulated. And finally we perform a Save As, remind Excel that we are saved, quit Excel and do some garbage cleanup. If you just quit Excel programatically, you will find that Excel will still be in memory.
$blackberryUsers = $blackberryUsers | Sort-Object "BlackBerry Server", "Last Name", "First Name"

$excelFile = ("\\\it_reports\blackberry\" + (Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd) + "-BlackBerry User Report.xlsx")

$temporaryCsvFile = ($env:temp + "\" + ([System.Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString() + ".csv")
$blackberryUsers | Export-Csv -path $temporaryCsvFile -noTypeInformation

if(Test-Path -path $excelFile) { Remove-Item -path $excelFile }

$excelObject = New-Object -comObject Excel.Application
$excelObject.Visible = $false  

$workbookObject = $excelObject.Workbooks.Open($temporaryCsvFile) 
$workbookObject.Title = ("BlackBerry User List for " + (Get-Date -Format D))
$workbookObject.Author = "Robert M. Toups, Jr."

$worksheetObject = $workbookObject.Worksheets.Item(1) 
$worksheetObject.UsedRange.Columns.Autofit() | Out-Null
$worksheetObject.Name = "BlackBerry Users"

$listObject = $worksheetObject.ListObjects.Add([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlListObjectSourceType]::xlSrcRange, $worksheetObject.UsedRange, $null,[Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlYesNoGuess]::xlYes,$null)
$listObject.Name = "User Table"
$listObject.TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium4" # Style Cheat Sheet in French/English:

$workbookObject.SaveAs($excelFile,51) #
$workbookObject.Saved = $true
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($workbookObject) | Out-Null

[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excelObject) | Out-Null

if(Test-Path -path $temporaryCsvFile) { Remove-Item -path $temporaryCsvFile }

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. This is a huge help to me.
